Sunday, July 25, 2010

post number 2

I celebrated a moment today that won't be missed. I drank a glass of milk today, and I've decided it will most certainly be my last. It's only been a few days since I've started doing this, but I have to say that I'm feeling very good about it so far. It is taking some time to become adjusted to not eating meat, but so far, I haven't missed it. I shudder to think of the horrid conditions animals are kept in before the slaughter.

Personally, I still don't have anything against other people eating meat; My decision to become vegetarian was a personal one, simply because I didn't enjoy it. Even so, the methods of which these animals are kept and treated should most certainly be reevaluated.

Many thoughts pop into my head regarding farm animals. Spiritually, if I believe in God, and that he created animals for civilization's consumption, why would God let the animals feel pain? Personally, I don't like seeing anything or anyone in pain; I'm a softie. It causes me discomfort, and I didn't want to know about it. However, now that I do know about it, I am very glad my eyes have been opened. It seems to be a condition of our society: what we do not see does not hurt us. Ignorance, though blissful, should not be practiced when it comes to important matters, such as what we put in our mouths. Perhaps if our society was still a farming society, in that we grew our own food and raised our own animals for slaughter, perhaps I would still be interested in eating meat. It's a thought, however impractical.

What follows is a guideline for making vegan brown rice. I'm typing it here so I can share it, but more importantly, so I don't forget it!

1 Cup brown rice, cooked. Let cool
Chop vegetables desired to eat. 1 cup more or less does it for me.
1 cup of beans, cooked.
Salt, pepper, soy sauce to taste

Chop the vegetables and saute with cooked beans in a large frying pan. I don't specify a time because it is up to you how done you want them! When vegetables are near desired doneness, add rice. Put soy sauce on rice, as much as desired, as well as salt and pepper. I also add premade salsa, but it's not required. I just like the spice and flavor. Cook for a few minutes until rice is hot. Serve however you like!

Now to go to bed. It's late right now, and I'm very tired. Still, I'm happy with how life is right now. It's getting better all the time.

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